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"Logic To The Mayhem / Memory Box"

Emotif are proud to announce a new single from regular noise makers Fireteam.

Emotif are proud to announce a new single from regular noise makers Fireteam. Trimer, Smokesta and Mekar MC make up this London trio who have had a recent release on sister label Botchit and Scarper and have released both separately and together on Emotif. Notably, their track So Long features on the "F the B 2" 4 tracker. Smokesta has also had a couple of releases with the label.
The A-side is Memory Box (Bright Mix), a murky track that brings to mind the gutter crawling bass of Blu Mar Ten but with the maximalist sound that Fireteam is known for.
The sound doesn't let up on the Bside. Well, Fireteam are always going to cause a ruckus, aren't they? This gravelly track shows what the London trio are all about. It feels like hurtling through a sci-fi city scape in a blacked out car at 175bpm or rather miles per hour. This is a heavy, techy piece of DnB with some real grit to it.
Emotif are excited to bring you this record from one of the label's favourites. Listen out for more new music from this stalwart bass-heavy label, including the "F the B 2" EP which along with this single will be available from stores soon.

01. Written & Produced by Harun Blissett.
02. Written & Produced by Harun Blissett & Ben Murphy.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2015 Emotif Recordings

1. Memory Box
2. Logic To The Mayhem